³Legal services in accounting
- Design and prepare documents to apply for a license to practice accounting profession in the Kingdom of Cambodia.
- Provide legal advice on accounting issues.
- Act as mandatory representative for the accountant before the judiciary and all institutions.
- Provide account book check services.
- Develop accounting policies and procedures.
- Provide legal form filling services.
- Provide other accounting related legal services.
³Legal services in finance
- Design and prepare documents to apply for a financial institution license.
- Inspect financial documents and provide legal coordination.
- Give explanation and advice on financial services.
- Design and prepare financial legal documents.
- Other financial related services.
³Legal services in taxation
- Prepare documents to apply for tax registration service for a real estate, stock, tax on means of transportation and patent tax.
- Prepare application for payment of stamp duty on the transfer of ownership and possession of immovable property.
- Resolve tax-related complaints.
- Prepare tax registration application, pay property rental tax (land, building and house rents).